Preparathon Playbook
The Prepare Your Organization for a Hurricane Playbook provides community leaders and employers with tools and resources to support disaster preparedness efforts. The Playbook also includes a complete Facilitators Guide for conducting facility-based table top exercises.
Administration Resources
Administration documents used to conduct tabletop exercises include participant sign-in sheets, name tent cards, and name tag templates.
Briefing Slides
This slide deck is used in conjunction with the Facilitators Guide to lead the tabletop exercise from start to finish.
Initial Scenario, Handout 1
This is a supplemental handout that can be provided to the exercise participants during the Initial Scenario briefing.
Scenario Update 1, Handout 2
This is a supplemental handout that can be provided to the exercise participants during Scenario Update 1.
Scenario Update 2, Handout 3
This is a supplemental handout that can be provided to the exercise participants during Scenario Update 2.
This is a supplemental handout that can be provided to the exercise participants during Scenario Update 3.
After Action Review
According to FEMA, exercises afford organizations the opportunity to evaluate capabilities and assess progress toward meeting capability targets in a controlled, low-risk setting. After the evaluation phase concludes, organizations should reach consensus on identified strengths and areas for improvement and develop a set of improvements that directly addresses core capability gaps. This information is recorded in the AAR/IP and resolved through the implementation of concrete corrective actions, which are prioritized and tracked as part of a corrective action program. This process constitutes the improvement planning phase and the final step in conducting an exercise.
Participation Feedback
This form should be distributed to exercise participants during the exercise debriefing session. A summary of the feedback received should be included in the After Action Report /Improvement Plan (AAR/IP).
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